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School Meals

Here are the school meals provided in school this year. 

Healthy Packed Lunch

If your child brings a packed lunch to school please make sure that all food and drink is in a suitable container, clearly marked with the child's name. 

Drinks can be sent in an unbreakable container; please do not send  glass bottles and cans as these can cause accidents.  

We promote healthy eating in school with our school lunches and therefore encourage children bringing packed lunches to eat healthily too. Packed lunches should not include sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. Here is some guidance on how to create a healthy lunchbox...

Meal Arrangements

Children may stay for a school dinner or bring a packed lunch.  Our school lunches are healthy and good value.  Most dietary requirements can be met if we know about them.

Payments should be made online via the ParentPay website.  

If your child wishes to change from one type of meal to another, they can tell us from day to day.  

Your child may be entitled to Free School Meals  if you are receiving any of the following:

Income Support

Income Based Job Seekers Allowance 

Child Tax Credit (but you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual income is less than £16,190)

Support under Part v1 of the Immigation and Asylum Act 1999

Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.

If you require further information or an application form, please contact the Free School Meal Department at Civic Centre 1 North, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NF, telephone 221928, or collect an application form from the school office.

Universal Free School Meals for Children in Key Stage 1 and Reception Classes

All children in reception and years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free meal at school.  This was introduced in September 2014. 

Please note : Universal Free School Meals do not automatically qualify your child for free milk. You may be entitled to this if you are on a low income and in receipt of the benefits listed above. An application should  be made to the Free School Meals Department.


Sweets and chewing gum are not allowed in school.  If you would like your child to have a snack at break time, please send a piece of fruit or they can choose from a range of healthy snacks and fruit juices on sale every morning break time.

As part of a Government initiative every child in out Early Years Unit and Key Stage 1 are given a different piece of fruit or vegetable free of charge at every afternoon break time.


Our school provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils,  School milk is free for under-5s, and for over-5s it is available at a price of 28p per day.

Each child that registers with Cool Milk will receive a 189ml portion of semi-skimmed milk every day, delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom

How to register

If your child is under five: · Register online at www.coolmilk.com

  • Register by a Tuesday at 5pm for your child’s free milk to start the following week
  • Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request four weeks before their birthday - if you wish your child to continue to receive school milk, simply make a payment

If your child is five or older: · Register and pay online at www.coolmilk.com

  • You can pay Cool Milk either online, over the phone or at a local PayPoint in half-termly, termly or annual instalments.
  • Please pay by a Tuesday at 5pm for your child’s milk to start the following week

If your child is in receipt of statutory free school meal (not universal free school meal), you do not need to register online. Please ask at the office for more information. 

If you have any questions regarding school milk please visit www.coolmilk.com or contact Cool Milk directly on 0800 321 3248. More information on milk is also available from the school.

Allergies & Special Diets

If your child has an allergy, but you would still like them to have a school dinner, please contact the school office for more information. 

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